Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What Happened to Common Sense!?

By Ficcus Perdo

My name is Ficcus Perdo, and these are my opinions.  I'm not a whiny journalist, but after having to beat 2010 out the door with a broom handle....  2011, I must say you have not done much better.

My question to the world is: What happened to common sense?  Social norms have changed, for we as a people--as a whole--have changed.  Me personally, I'm totally into all this new technology; the internet, stem-cell research and whatever else a bunch of freaks and geeks in a room, with enough time on their hands, can come up with.  I love it all.  I also love people.  I'm a human first.  If you're human (and probably if you're not), we can hang out.  What I don't have any affection for is “stupid.” 

I remember as a child I was taught--or instilled, if you prefer--with certain "Rules O'Life," or guidelines that to this day still help me out.  Here are a few:

Don't talk to strangers.
Look both ways before you cross the street.
Lock up behind you.
Be aware and mindful of others.

Now, to anyone reading this who is like, "Well, no shit!"  To you, Sir or Madame, I say, “ Thank you.” You have common sense enough to know that this article is not directed to you.  Maybe you have children and have furthered these teachings unto them.   Maybe by trial and error you have made it this far by acknowledging the fact that we all make mistakes, so let's learn from them. 

To those of you who are reading this saying, "This is getting good, he's really onto something here," to you I say, “BOOOO!  Get out of my way.  Just go sit in that corner until your name is called for further instruction.  You need someone to hold your hand and walk you through life, stupid!" So, here we go!

First: Don't talk to strangers.  A stranger is anyone you don't know.  You may want to know them, but that is not always a mutual feeling.  If I'm sitting at a bar, watching the TV, there could be any thing on it , news, a game, whatever.  Feel free to make a comment or two, but do not think that this is going to make us best buds.  No, I don't care who your favorite team is.  I may not even like sports.  Point is, if you don't wanna run the risk of getting upset, keep your mouth shut.  If you're adventurous, go for it, but don't be mad at the end result to which you were the catalyst.

Next, we got those people who forget that traffic may be going only one way on a street but pedestrians go all ways.  The number of times that I have almost been hit by someone trying to make a quick turn and is only looking into on-coming traffic sickens me.  Now I just stare until they look me in the eye.  Usually catches them off guard them.  They nod.  I nod.  Then I cross.  I'm not trying to be a dick, I just don't need to get hit by a dumb-ass.  What if I was a kid?

As we all are beginning to see that these rules are all so very simple and are in fact quite handy, I now bring up the third point.  Lock up behind yourself.  If you're in a public bathroom, lock the door.  Lock it!  I've reluctantly seen more people pissing than I care to remember.  Almost saw a dude taking a shit.  A shit!  Why would you not lock the door to take a poop?  I lock the bathroom door in my own house. Saves both sides of the door embarrassment. You lock up before you go to sleep at night, right?  Please be courteous to the rest of humanity. If you want your privates on exhibition, go to a nude beach, or become a porn star.  They will still get mad at you if you don't lock the door, though.

And finally, at what I'm sure is the end of your attention span, we come to being mindful of your surroundings and those around you.  If someone is to close to you, get the fuck away.  You don't know if they are just overly personable, or crazy.  Just move and let them be on there way.  Ever been at a party and there is someone standing in the way?  Notice how they just won't move.  That's because they aren't aware of what's going on.  You're not planted in one position.  Make room for others, and they will make room for you.  Also, and lastly, know how to get out.  Know at all times where you are and how to get somewhere safe. You don't have to go home, but if anything goes wrong--and in most large, social settings, they will--have a back-up plan and know how and when to use it.  People are funny.  Just don't let the joke be on you!

Now, take this “crash course” in common sense with you out into the world and see if you now notice how so many are lacking in it.  You are now the teacher!

Don't let me down.

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