Listen. I'm in. I'm totally in. We need to roll things backwards. We've moved beyond our original vision as a nation. It's time to take things back to the Constitution. But you can't half-ass that shit. Here's the plan:
As I see it, Thomas Jefferson was the first to take the powers of The Constitution off the rails. Even though the guy was a strict-Constitutionalist and a firm believer in state's rights over the Fed, he bought our nation a huge piece of land west of the Mississippi River from France. And at a cheap as hell rate, too.
Well, that shit has to go back.
Let's face it, Jefferson extended his grasp beyond the reach of The Constitution. He purchased land when he didn't have the power to do so. I see this as the start of the Liberal Movement in America. It's the start of the Hamiltonian United States that we live in today, and we've got to get back to basics by returning that purchase for the price we paid for it. That means we'll have $217 million dollars to throw at our national debt (a drop in an ocean, but more on this in a moment), and a few issues to resolve creatively.
First, as an extension of this "back to the Constitution" plan, all lands that were gained by piggy-backing on the Louisiana Purchase will be forfeited as well. Essentially, the western-most states of our nation will be Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio. I've included a map below for the geographically-challenged among you.
As for the former Americans who now reside in these areas, well, they will either be French citizens, Indians, Spanish, or Russians respectively. That means that the government of the United States no longer has any authority over them, nor any responsibility to pave their roads, bolster their school budgets, secure their borders, pay for their Social Security or Medicare, or anything of the sort. Imagine all the surplus money!! Well, that money would immediately go into the National Debt. Problem solved...and then some.
Once that's done, then we go after each and every outstanding debt owed to us that are still left as Americans. Student loans would need to be repaid immediately or we would seek them from the government overseeing those who owed us. Outstanding taxes would be the same. After we get the currency, then it's Repo Time! Cop cars, fire trucks, hospital equipment, school libraries and lunches, interstate highways, communication systems, ambulances, and anything else that was purchased by localities with federal funding would be brought back east or sold to those localities.
So, what would happen to the people of those localities, you ask? Who gives a shit!?! They're not Americans anymore. Fuck 'em.
As I see it, this is only step one in a long process to take us back to the horse-and-buggy era of our once great nation. There is plenty still to do. For instance, we've got to dissolve our own fire and police departments because they are essentially socialist systems of protection which rely on federal funding. Our socialist education system would, of course, be next. Nothing in the Constitution outlines the power of the Federal government to oversee and fund these things.
We've got to kick the rascals out of our lives! Neither rationality nor reason should stop us! Don't let them help your kid go to college! Don't let them tell you that you need a smoke detector in your house! Don't let them tell your kid he can't drink rotten milk and french fries for lunch everyday!
Something has to be done, and going pre-Jefferson on their asses will send a serious fucking message!
Revoke the Louisiana Purchase!!!!